Family Engagement
Our vision is to inspire a movement where the youth in our community are made to be THE priority, and their best interests direct community policies and practices.
When we are successful, Coatesville youth will have the confidence and skills they need to become our leaders of tomorrow.
Family Engagement Programs
Back to School 2024
Backpack Giveaway
Thank you for attending our Back to School 2024 Backpack Giveaway on Saturday, August 17th, from 10 am to 1 pm. We were excited to provide FREE backpacks packed with essential school supplies to children in grades K-12. We hope you enjoyed our moon bounce, kid's zone, community resources, free haircuts, and more.
We are unable to accept any more backpack giveaway registrations at this time. However, we will have more school supplies available beginning September 1, 2024.
Mom's Café
Mom's Café is an opportunity and place for moms to come together, chat, and share ideas with one another. Women of all ages who identify as parenting mothers in the Greater Coatesville Area are welcome to attend.
Incredible Years
For Parents
Incredible Years for Parents is a place to recharge away from your kids, have dinner served to you, and spend a relaxed evening with other adults.
Coatesville Family Fall Fest
The Coatesville Family Fall Fest is a community event for Coatesville families to come together, to enjoy time as a family and to engage in fall activities. Families will gather at Gateway Park to play games, pick pumpkins, eat fall food, display costumes and have fun. Community organizations will also be on hand, giving out candy (or maybe one or two nutritious Fall treats), and sharing community resources and other activities.